I’ve read that Green Giant Arborvitae can grow up to 5 feet a year! Is that true here in Ontario?
Well, it all depends upon your plant hardiness zone. Green Giants can grow in zones 5 through 8, with 8 being the most temperate (in Canada that would be some parts of coastal British Columbia). More temperate zones have a longer growing season, so trees there would have more time in which to reach the upper limit of their yearly growth rate. Green Giants in Zone 5 would have a significant winter dormancy period, so are more typically expected to grow about 2 to 3 feet a year, given adequate moisture and favourable soil conditions. Still the fastest-growing evergreen in our area!
I’m in Zone 5. Even though Green Giant Arborvitae are rated as hardy in this zone, would I need to wrap them in the winter?
In general, no. If given adequate moisture prior to the ground freezing and typical winter conditions, Green Giants will manage quite well. The foliage will bronze more in colder zones as a defence mechanism and they may suffer some wind and sunburn depending on their exposure. However, the foliage will regain its green colour once the days warm, and any dead or damaged foliage can be pruned out and will be replaced by new growth. One caveat is if your trees are in an area likely to experience salt spray, of which Green Giants are intolerant. In this case, adding a burlap wrap or screen is recommended. In any case, if done properly, wrapping can prove beneficial, particularly when your Green Giants are in their first few years of life. As the trees mature they will be better able to withstand any damage that might occur over the winter months.
I’d like to plant my Green Giant Arborvitaes near some large shade trees that will limit their sun exposure. Is this a problem?
It could be, for two reasons. The most obvious is the reduction in sunlight. Although Green Giants can grow in partial shade, and in fact prefer some respite from the hot afternoon sun, they will tend to grow less densely and less vigorously if direct sunlight is less than 4 hours a day. The second issue is that large, well-established shade trees tend to have wide-ranging root systems which can monopolize available water, making your Green Giants less likely to get the moisture they require.
I know that Green Giants get big (hence the name!). Can I prune them to limit their growth?
Yes, you can – to a point. Like all Thuja, the Green Giant Arborvitae can be trimmed in order to slow outward growth and encourage a more densely branched tree. To reduce height the leader can also be pruned – be sure to take off no more than 1/3 of its length, though. Although the tree may look a little odd for awhile, a new leader will eventually develop and you’ll have slowed the upward pace of growth in the meantime. If you are hoping to manage the growth of your Green Giants, it’s best to begin light annual pruning when the trees are smaller rather than having to make more drastic cuts a few years down the road. For additional information, see Planting and Care.
I want to create a privacy screen. How far apart should I plant my Green Giant Arborvitae?
The minimum recommended spacing is 5 to 6 feet apart, if planting in a straight line. Alternatively, if you have space to stagger them, they can be planted on 8 foot centres in two rows that are 4 feet apart. This option will require a similar number of trees but can restrict undesirable views more quickly. The temptation may be to plant even closer together in an attempt to achieve the desired outcome more quickly. However, if planted too closely the trees will compete with each other, resulting in slower growth and less dense foliage. Trees spaced properly will be healthier and ultimately will fill in more quickly, rewarding your patience with the privacy screening you desire!
We have deer in our area which have caused damage to my trees in the past. I’ve heard that they don’t like Green Giants though. Is this true?
Yes, it is. The caveat is that deer will eat pretty much anything if hungry enough, so no Thuja is truly “deer-proof”. However, given that Green Giant Arborvitae have a unique parentage, they taste different than our native cedar does and so are less palatable to deer, who prefer not to graze on them unless desperate.
I’d love to purchase some Green Giants from you, but am unsure about how to plant and care for them. Can you help?
Absolutely! Our Planting and Care page is a great resource to start with but don’t hesitate to reach out to us via our Contact page anytime, before or after your purchase.
I see that your website says the Green Giants are available for “pickup only”, but no address is listed. How do I order trees and arrange to pick them up? Can delivery ever be arranged?
There are a few options. You can head to our Shop page and submit an order, or go to our Contact page where you can fill in our online form, or call the number listed if you prefer to speak to someone directly. Regardless of what you choose, once we confirm your order with us we’ll arrange a pickup date and time that suits you, along with more detailed information on how to find us. You may pay either by e-transfer or cash when you arrive.
Delivery can sometimes be arranged at additional cost, depending upon the size of the order and your location. Again, give us a call and we’ll see if that’s a service that we can provide for you.